Dhiganta Agro Tech

Who We Are

Founded in 2014, Dhiganta Agro Tech is the world’s most advanced AI platform for food and agriculture. Our Dhiganta Agro Tech Cloud, the first industry cloud for agriculture, empowers stakeholders with digital technologies and predictive intelligence to enhance farming efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

As leaders in the Ag-intelligence movement, Dhiganta Agro Tech has forged strategic partnerships with over 250 B2B customers, digitized 30 million acres of farmland, and positively impacted over 7 million farmers worldwide. Our crop knowledge graph, encompassing 350 crops and 10,000 varieties across 103 countries, powers the Dhiganta Agro Tech Cloud to provide predictive intelligence for over 200 million acres of farmland globally. Dhiganta Agro Tech is at the forefront of uniting agribusinesses, development agencies, international organizations, and governments in leveraging Agtech systems to transform global food systems and achieve climate goals.

Transforming a Billion Lives, One Farm at a Time

Nurturing a Better Tomorrow

We are paving the way for digital empowerment, bridging the digital divide, and revolutionizing the global agricultural ecosystem.

Food Security Biodiversity Financial Inclusion Climate Change

With vegetable and legume yields projected to drop by ~35% by 2100, and 35-50% of food produced going to waste annually, resulting in 25% of freshwater being wasted, our efforts are crucial in addressing low yields and crop failures.

Agricultural production is responsible for 80% of global deforestation, while excessive use of fertilizers and chemicals degrades soil health and food safety. Our solutions monitor, analyze, and improve biodiversity to counter these challenges.

500 million smallholder farming households, representing 2.5 billion people, depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. There is an urgent need to address the $170 billion unmet demand in global agri-lending, out of the $0.5 trillion required.

Agriculture, forestry, and land-use change account for a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. We enable Carbon Zero farming, helping curb global warming and adapting food production to the challenges of climate change.



At Dhiganta Creations Entertainment, we’re here to assist with all your web series production needs and more. Whether you have questions, require further information, or are ready to start a new project, we’d love to hear from you.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)